How many times have you been in a meeting and someone pipes up and says, ‘Oh…. No, we can’t do that’? When you hear this, you are dealing with someone in the No Corridor. The most important thing you can learn how to do is fight against the No Corridor. The No Corridor is the killer of enthusiasm, productivity and creative culture. Just putting a name to it is oftentimes enough to defeat it.
And how great leaders embrace this bravery Being a great worker in a team navigating a complex environment can be hard. It seems like every decision needs to be validated, every team meeting is dependent on your boss agreeing to a proposal. There is a simple tip to increase your productivity […]
Many would say that low self-esteem is bad, but there are situations were low self-esteem is powerful. It is when it is coupled with another invaluable attribute - Drive.
The late night infomercial that helped Mel Robbins become famous Mel Robbins is now the most widely booked female Keynote speaker, author of two best selling novels, collaborated with Audible on two learning series, recently filmed a syndicated day-time talk show with Sony Entertainment and presented at TED with her talk […]
Learn any skill, increase your productivity and improve your work quality In a world where you rarely need to discover information, where you can use the internet to find it. How important is intellect? One of my favourite quotes regarding this is by William Gibson and in it he hints that […]
Procrasti-later… I was actually putting off writing. Before that I was putting off doing the dishes. After this I might put off doing some sit-ups. I can be a serial procrastinator, choosing to work with bursts of enthusiasm rather than consistent effort. I knuckle down for periods of about 50 […]
What would you like to see? At work, several years ago, they introduced a policy to reduce the amount of leave someone could carry over. They did it for a good reason. An acknowledgement of the importance of leave for replenishing for work, and that high leave balances are essentially […]