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Are we too impatient?

You wouldn’t plant a seed, then dig it up every few minutes, and be disappointed that it hasn’t grown.

So why do you keep questioning yourself, your hard work and your decisions?

Have patience, stop overthinking and keep watering your seeds.

My Three-Step Cultural Change Program that Worked

At the start of last year, I decided to do more of the things I like doing. To prioritise making time, while doing my core job, to making the workplace a little better for those that give so much of their time to attend and achieve there. So, I decided to embark on a cultural change program to shift the culture from one of mildly resentful attendance to one of fun and productive camaraderie.

The ONE thing your team needs to improve Productivity — Fighting against the No Corridor

How many times have you been in a meeting and someone pipes up and says, ‘Oh…. No, we can’t do that’? When you hear this, you are dealing with someone in the No Corridor. The most important thing you can learn how to do is fight against the No Corridor. The No Corridor is the killer of enthusiasm, productivity and creative culture. Just putting a name to it is oftentimes enough to defeat it.

Father and daughter looking off into the distance in a half hug embrace. Black and White photo.

Why I am hard on my Diabetic Daughter, even though I am so proud of her

In 2015, right around her sixth birthday, she lost a bucket load of weight. Her mother and I were really worried. She had unusually started wetting the bed through the night and was always drinking water. Her lips started to dry out and no amount of moisturiser would bring them to life. One week later we were in the hospital learning about Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). I learnt then that she was now going to be responsible for her health in a way that no six-year-old should ever have to worry about. I learnt that I had to be hard on my daughter. Every day she does some things well, some things poorly and despite all this, I am so proud of her.