Later in life you start to become more comfortable shedding your social programming, you can begin to own your identity. This is the version of you that you prefer. Not the one that matches other people’s expectations of you.
Many would say that low self-esteem is bad, but there are situations were low self-esteem is powerful. It is when it is coupled with another invaluable attribute - Drive.
Not all the time, but its important you do it There have been a few Podcasts that have had a profound effect on me; The focused, but diverse Learning Leader Show podcast by Ryan Hawk, The honest and emotive stories from The Moth, and The authentic curiosity of The School of […]
The 9 lies and why we continue to believe them Ashley Goodall and Marcus Buckingham co-authored a book ‘The Nine Lies about Work: A Freethinking Leaders Guide to the Real World”. The authors chose an inflammatory title, deliberately. ‘The Nine Lies about Work’ focuses on common adages that are held up […]
I’m noticing a trend, one that I catch myself stuck in as well. We over apologise. I’ve apologised too much this week, but I’ve done nothing that truly merited an apology. Do these sound familiar? “Sorry, can I get through here…”“My apologies boss, but you’ve got that wrong…”“I’m sorry, can I […]
The late night infomercial that helped Mel Robbins become famous Mel Robbins is now the most widely booked female Keynote speaker, author of two best selling novels, collaborated with Audible on two learning series, recently filmed a syndicated day-time talk show with Sony Entertainment and presented at TED with her talk […]
Curiosity IS the breeding ground for Empathy I don’t like that man, I must get to know him better — Abraham Lincoln One of the things that continues to amaze me is the genuine uniqueness of people. If I reflect on the people I have seen today during my early morning walk with my […]
Learn any skill, increase your productivity and improve your work quality In a world where you rarely need to discover information, where you can use the internet to find it. How important is intellect? One of my favourite quotes regarding this is by William Gibson and in it he hints that […]
Get outside perspectives, double-check your stories, and master the art of pronoia I heard something the other day: 100% of the stories we tell ourselves are true — even if they aren’t. I’m not sure where it’s from, but it’s true. Numerous times, I’ve sat with my friends and recounted old stories. Despite my […]