How many times have you been in a meeting and someone pipes up and says, ‘Oh…. No, we can’t do that’? When you hear this, you are dealing with someone in the No Corridor. The most important thing you can learn how to do is fight against the No Corridor. The No Corridor is the killer of enthusiasm, productivity and creative culture. Just putting a name to it is oftentimes enough to defeat it.
I like going for runs, hanging out with friends, playing sport, and having really hot baths while watching Netflix. I like doing this even when I know that I should be spending time with my family. It often makes me feel selfish, but I’ve learned something very valuable, you need to be selfish if you want to be truly selfless I have learned how to be selfless by being selfish.
Seven years ago, my boss got everyone to complete a DiSC profile. The whole organisation completed the questionnaire and then sat through a facilitated workshop. It was the most important thing I have done on my leadership journey. Just last week, I completed my second DiSC profile assessment, and when I got my results back, I felt like a failure.
I feel like I am always having conversations about bravery and control. These conversations happen outside of my head, but many happen inside it too. I have to continually remind myself that discomfort is the path to growth, and it takes bravery and courage to step into discomfort, to relinquish control. I seem to be promoting that you can’t have bravery and control — you need to pick one.
Later in life you start to become more comfortable shedding your social programming, you can begin to own your identity. This is the version of you that you prefer. Not the one that matches other people’s expectations of you.
And how great leaders embrace this bravery Being a great worker in a team navigating a complex environment can be hard. It seems like every decision needs to be validated, every team meeting is dependent on your boss agreeing to a proposal. There is a simple tip to increase your productivity […]
The weird thing about working at your peak is that it doesn’t occur when you know everything. If you want to do your best work, you have to be learning something new. There is a reason for this; you are engaging a different part of your brain. This is why the new people to the organisation are so valuable.
Many would say that low self-esteem is bad, but there are situations were low self-esteem is powerful. It is when it is coupled with another invaluable attribute - Drive.
To lead is to see the shape of people — and the empty space in problems, then fit the people to that space and let them grow. If the problem space is to large, the stretch to far, you have failed them. If the problem space is to small, the fit too tight, you have failed them