Get outside perspectives, double-check your stories, and master the art of pronoia I heard something the other day: 100% of the stories we tell ourselves are true — even if they aren’t. I’m not sure where it’s from, but it’s true. Numerous times, I’ve sat with my friends and recounted old stories. Despite my […]
Procrasti-later… I was actually putting off writing. Before that I was putting off doing the dishes. After this I might put off doing some sit-ups. I can be a serial procrastinator, choosing to work with bursts of enthusiasm rather than consistent effort. I knuckle down for periods of about 50 […]
What would you like to see? At work, several years ago, they introduced a policy to reduce the amount of leave someone could carry over. They did it for a good reason. An acknowledgement of the importance of leave for replenishing for work, and that high leave balances are essentially […]
Six steps to an influenced outcome Tim and Brian Kight through their company Focus 3 are promoting a philosophy that is gaining traction. It has been spoken about in principle through a few adages over the years; Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our […]
Liz Wiseman’s study of accidentally bad leaders I was in a meeting in a different organisation recently and noted that the team in the room felt really low on energy, in fact the only one in the room that seemed energised was the person talking the most. I realised that this […]
Google made it mainstream — can you benefit? I walked out of one meeting, into the next. This is a common occurrence for many, one that is often difficult to prepare adequately and to shift the mindset from one topic to the next. In the first meeting I was working to create and […]
Leon PurtonJun 19 I bet it took these 4 things I have asked this question of others in the workplace recently. When asking this question, I am trying to understand what type of work gives people energy, what are the characteristics of that work that made it so? Despite a wide range […]
And why you should Leon Purton Jun 12 Homer—the Ancient Greek poet Homer—created a character, a friend of Odysseus and adviser to Telemachus, called Mentor. Mentor was Telemachus’ sage counsel, but in a late twist in the story, it was discovered that Mentor was in fact the Goddess Athena in […]